November 12, 2010

The Power of Doubt 2...

Doubt is a state of being unsure of something.

Out of the twelve men in the boat Peter was the only one that asked Jesus to let him come to Him.
What made Peter ask Jesus to let him come to Him. Faith! It was faith, he asked because he believed. And because he believed, he got what he asked for.

Faith is strong. And with faith there is no limit to what you can do. But faith has one arch enemy. And the name of that enemy is doubt.

Peter started sinking when doubt entered his heart. He called out to Jesus,” Lord save me!” and Jesus came and restored him back on his feet. Jesus said to him, “how little faith you have! Why did you falter?”

Why did you falter? What a question. Why do we falter? Peter faltered because he removed his eyes from the Lord. He faltered because he allowed his problems to take the center stage. He faltered because he allowed doubt to creep into his heart and dwarf his faith. Me, I falter because of the same reasons too. How about you? Why do you falter?

Bad things always happen whenever we allow our focus to wander. I know this because it has happened to me many times.

I fall deeper and deeper into the treacherous pit of despair each time I allow doubt to take the place of faith in my heart. And this is senseless because it doesn't make the problem go away, rather it complicates it and makes it more difficult to bear.

My dear friends doubt will come; and just like it did Peter, it is going to make us loose focus and start to sink. But remember, whenever this happens. All you have to do is call on the Lord like Peter did and all will be well again. The problems might still be there but your strength will be renewed and you will be able to look life in the face again and say to it, “Bring it on!”